Achieve gender equality


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

I am going to write some predictions for 2030 and about the SDG gender equality.

I predict life in 2030 will be with more equality between both genders or so I hope.

There has been progress in the last years but still it isn't sufficient.

I hope that the women were more assessed and respected, there are people that don’t  respect  women and girls. 

For that reason there is discrimination in many countires but in some countries the gender discrimination is more than other.

In many countries there isn't gender equality and this is serious.

If there were gender equality the world would be a good place. 

If both genders were treated equally, there would not be inequalities.

I hope the world is a better place, that there aren't injustices for women.

If we help to have equality, we will achieve it.
